Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Yoga Post (and stuff)

I'm almost done with the first session of my yoga teacher training course. I was initially only going to do this session, and then stop, but I have since decided to continue on for another SIX months to complete both sessions and the whole 500 hour super cool certification. I haven't decided yet if this is stupid or brave.

I've been having such a great time. The people in my class are all so cool, with just enough eccentricity and ego thrown in for color and texture, and to rile things up once in awhile. My study group KICKS ASS. And the teachers. Wow. I could seriously gush about my teachers. People have moved to Albuquerque for the sole purpose of working with these teachers. I think I'm currently in the best shape I've ever been both physically and emotionally, and I attribute a lot of that to them.

It's so great to feel like a part of a community. To have a place to go where people know who you are. I never realized how important that was to me until I didn't have it for awhile.

Some things I have learned:

When you can live in your body with your femurs grounded, the world seems to exist mostly for your own amusement.

Stability is absolutely as important as flexibility.

A flat belly just ISN'T a happy belly.

Intensity x Duration = Force

I'm still not ready for headstand, but I'm getting much more comfortable in handstand, which used to scare it right out of me.

3 hours of backbends is a few too many backbends.

Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana means Three Limb Face to One Foot West Side Stretched Out Pose.

In Other News:

My vacation pictures came out!! WOO HOO! I sent in one roll just to check and see if they maybe weren't entirely ruined, and they came back ok, so I sent the other roll, and they weren't ruined either. A few shots are a little grainy, but I'll take it! One of these days I'll figure out how to post pictures again and throw a few of them up here.

One more week left of school for Madeline. I have a couple summer activities lined up for the kidlets. Both of them are doing swimming lessons for a couple weeks in June, and Madeline has nature camp in July for a week. I finally found a preschool for Zach in the fall, and I'm thinking about picking up a few days at least of their summer session just so he can start getting used to it before September. I'm a little concerned about swimming lessons, as they were a bit of a fiasco with Madeline last summer, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. My current plan is to drop them off the first day and leave. Hopefully that will cut out some of the whining and putting on drama for mama.

On the professional front, Clark's boss has officially resigned (THANK GOD), so it looks like things should be getting better for him at work. As far as workload and stress go, it may get a little worse before it gets better, at least until the soon to be ex boss officially leaves the building. I guess I could dish on the dirt about him now, but I think I'll refrain. Honestly, I'm so relieved that he's leaving, I don't even want to think about him any more.

Other than that, we're pretty much cruising through here at the Krause House. I'm looking forward to a couple weeks off between yoga training sessions. Maybe I'll even catch up and do some more of this blogging thing. Oh yeah, I got my hair cut. (I know, BIG news) I decided to go for the bangs. I'm getting it colored today. I'm thinking of going darker. Wish me luck.


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That yoga teacher stuff is exciting! I'd love to hear how you got into yoga and came to enjoy it so much. I've only been to a couple of classes. I think my self consciousness got in the way of the learning a bit.

Hooray for ass hole bosses leaving!

At 11:52 AM, Blogger hazel said...

I am so excited about the yoga for you. for the fact that you're feeling better, mostly. it's been interesting to see you talking about feeling isolated and lonely, to wondering if you should try going to class, to going only sporadically, to going and loving it, to where you are now, so glad that you have something of your own that you really enjoy doing. it's inspiring.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Stine said...

Dude, ...must call you.

Colored? I got mine colored too, and cut.

Remember when you first moved to Albuquerque, and I told you that it would take one or two years, but that you would find your community. I knew this would be it. I'm SO happy for you, and very proud of you for deciding to do the whole 500 hours.

Sometimes, I go around the house after talking to you saying things like:




and it makes me giggle.

Oh and yesterday, I was totally lost. Hell and GONE from nowhere.

At 6:12 AM, Blogger ~A~ said...

That is so cool about the finding your community and doing the whole super cool certification in one shot. Personally I think it's smart. Even if you took a break you'd still be doing yoga, so you might as well get training out of it.

And yeah on the pictures turning out and crappy boss going away!

Hopefully swim lessons and camp are drama free. That whole kid/mama drama gets really old really fast. Good luck.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger NME said...

It's absolutely fantastic that you found your people. That is good stuff. So is Clark's boss leaving.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger thelyamhound said...

So glad to hear all yoga news. It definitely inspires me to jump back into active martial arts training.

I haven't decided yet if this is stupid or brave.

The two are nearly always the same thing.

A flat belly just ISN'T a happy belly.

If only our stupid culture could learn that, especially in film, TV, modeling . . . I wouldn't spend nearly as much time clutching at my abdomen in front of mirrors, lamenting that I don't have that piked, Brad Pitt (circa Fight Club, of course; the only Pitt you really need) washboard if that wasn't held up as the ideal.

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Missuz J said...

So happy that you are happy

nuff said


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