Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Just Because

I don't know what to write about today, but since I'm being hassled by my sweet sisters to post something, I figured I better. So, here's a brief update on the Krause House goings on. Madeline starts school Thursday. That's right, THIS Thursday. Clark bought her some new tennis shoes while we were in Flagstaff this weekend, and that pretty much wraps it up for school shopping. There are the official school supplies to be obtained, but I haven't decided if I should shop for the list I got off the internet, or wait until the teacher adds whatever he or she might add to the official list. We still don't know who her teacher is going to be. I had thought we'd maybe get a letter from the school, but still nothing. Nothing on the internet either. In Utah, they post class lists on the front door of the school, so we made a special trip to the school yesterday, but no lists there either. I have no idea how or when we're supposed to find out who the new teacher will be, but we better figure it out soon.

Madeline is somewhat apprehensive, and feels like summer was too short, but she's not having the daily meltdowns I was expecting. We stayed and played on the school playgrounds yesterday after having not found out who her teacher will be, and I think it might have reminded her that school can actually be kinda fun. I hope so anyways. I'm saving my own personal school panic for the first day. After our experiences last year in moving her to a new school, I'm a little concerned about her behavior and attitude this year, but hopefully she will get a wonderful and brilliant teacher who can manage her better than her mother currently does. Anyone think that will actually happen? Nope, me neither.

Zach is doing pretty good. He's looking pretty funny right now in the aftermath of a bad haircut, and a fall at the breakfast restaurant in Flagstaff our last morning there. He bit his lip in a couple places, and managed to bruise his chin pretty good. Talk about drama. I didn't actually witness the fall, but the blood spewing from his mouth afterward was enough to throw me into panic mode for the rest of the day. Don't you hate that? When you kid gets hurt and you have to stay calm so they don't freak out, then you spend the rest of the day with this residual adrenalin heart racing wanting to throw up kind of feeling? Add to that having to say goodbye to Boobecca, and a healthy helping of PMS, and I was in rare form for the drive back to Albuquerque. And, well, pretty much the whole next day too. Wow, I really do suck sometimes.

I'm feeling a little better today. PMS is still kicking my ass, but I'm feeling a little more capable of kicking it back. A whole night full of sex dreams does wonders for a girls positive outlook. (Woo Hoo!!) Trying to decide if today is the day to bust out the "Organic Garden" green paint for the accent wall in the master bedroom. Maybe after lunch. We're going to try to go out to lunch with Clark since our opportunities for lunch out as a whole family will be significantly curtailed by the start of school. Speaking of, I guess it is approaching lunch time, and maybe we should all get dressed now. TTFN


At 11:19 AM, Blogger Katy said...

SHE LIVES! I think school will be good for Madeline, she won't be as bored and maybe she'll make new friends. I can't believe how big she is. Sorry to hear about Zach's stumble at Flag. Bleeding from the mouth is always a little scary. Hope he's ok. Love you miss you, good luck with Orgasmic Green...er...uhm...yeah.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger amandak said...

LOOVE you too Kate. Sorry if I don't say it enough. You're the greatest!

At 2:07 PM, Blogger A Man without a Band said...

Hey, baby, thanks for your comments on my blog. I still haven't figured this whole thing out on responding. Like email, if I get a comment, I tend to go to the other person's blog and respond. I guess after I write a comment, I don't necessarily go back to see if the blog author has responded to mine. ANYWAY, same question as the other girls, do you get email notification of your comments? For those of us without tons of time to be constantly checking (and don't let anyone give you grief about infrequent entries) it helps considerably. For those of us who can't check other's blogs regularly, when I get the time I do a spew of reading/catching up, but I don't know if I should comment on previous posts if you aren't checking them.

SO... glad you like my karaoke stories. They're fun to tell, and I try to mix in other posts that are shorter.

Re: your previous posts, I hate "cats." "Dog-cats" on the other hand, are a different story. If they act like typical cats, they don't get to stick around. Personally, Jennifer and I wouldn't mind if one of our cats "stayed out" indefinitely. One day, I'll tell you the story of my great cat, Jake, who I lost in Montana just before I was moving, who was found when I was in Hawaii, and whom I flew from Montana to Utah (making those reservations while on a construction site was more than a little embarrasing), only to have him disappear a month later.

anyway, hope you're well, and that the PMS moves quickly to MS and back to normal (? I'm not a woman, but I try my best.)

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Kodi said...

Mandy, I miss you baby. Poor Zach, I hope he got lots of ice cream to make him feel better. Give him a big squeeze from me, though he probably doesn't remeber me anymore. How sad. I miss you.

At 3:23 AM, Blogger NME said...

I was always so bored at the end of summer that I couldn't wait to go back to school. I hope Madeline makes lots of new friends.

I am going to have to get so much better at that appearing to remain calm thing. You sound like such a great mother. And cook too! I can't thank you enough for the recipes. I love salmon and can't wait to use the recipe.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger hazel said...

first day back to school for me was always scary and exhilirating. and I find I feel the same way when trent starts a new school year. it might be rough at first (or not) but it will get to be great, I'm sure of it.

poor zach. yes, it's horrible when you see your child bleeding.


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