Monday, August 18, 2008

She Lives!

Well helloooo blogland! Apparently, I am still alive and kicking after over a year of non-posting. Who knew.

Things are going quite well here at the Krause House. The kids started school last week, M in 4th grade (!!) and Z in 1st. I don't know why, but for some reason having a 4th grader is making me feel OLD. We are dealing with all the start of the school year jitters, M more than Z, that child is change-averse in the extreme. This year she's also starting the "Enrichment" program at her school, and we're excited to see what new challenges and opportunities that brings. I have a meeting tomorrow to go over all the testing she did over the summer, and I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to tell me she's scary smart. Now if we can only help her be more secure, we'll be all set.

Z is already struggling with his first virus of the school year. He reported to me on Thursday that he was really nice and played with the little girl in his class who wasn't feeling good and had a sore throat. He's such a sweetie, but boy did I want to tell him to stay FAR AWAY from the sickies!! So, he was up that night with the sore throat, and has progressed to the runny nose and scary sounding cough. joy.

My hubby is still the hardest working man I know. Since my last post, he was promoted (to CEO! wow!), and has been dealing with more personnel crapola, political crapola, and general being the boss crapola than I care to remember. He's still travelling a lot, although it has slowed a little from those first months of being in charge. As a matter of fact, he's off to sunny Southern California for the week this week, and then will be going to Germany for 10 days in Sept. It's still hard being away from family, especially when he's travelling, but it has forced us to become a real team, and has brought us closer in so many ways.

We had a very nice summer vacation. I think we found a nice balance between activity, travel, and general lazy summer days. The kids did summer camps at the beginning of June, M at the hands on science museum 'Explora', and Z at the zoo. They both did awesome and had tons of fun. After that, 2 weeks of swimming lessons, then a trip to Cedar City for 4th of July, back to Albuquerque for another 2 weeks of swimming, then Yosemite for about a week. I may post another time in more detail about the Yosemite trip, suffice to say for now, that for such small critters, mice suck BIG TIME.

I am still doing the yoga thing. Not teaching regularly, or taking classes as often as I'd like, honestly, but it continues to inform the way I live in my body every day. I'm excited to get back to class more often now that school is back in session. I went to a class last week that is a little tougher than I usually try, and it kicked my ass. hard. A wake up call to be sure.

I am also still doing the Friends of the Library thing at the kids school. I've been doing 2 book fairs per school year since we got into the new school, and have raised a pretty significant amount of money. We dealt with some overcrowding issues last year (apparently Everybody wanted to come to the pretty new school), so there was actually a 5th grade classroom in the library which was a bit of a challenge. This year they are working on completing an addition of I think 5 new classrooms, and for now all the 5th grade classes are meeting in the gym. Which sucks for them, but I don't have a 5th grader, and we have the library back, so I am not complaining.

Now that I have figured out how to get back onto Blogger, I am hoping to be more of a presence here again, it was fun, and I could use a little more connectivity to the world outside my house and the school. If I can pry myself away from playing Scramble on Facebook for that long. :D


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Stine said...

Yay, I'm so glad you're back.

At 5:22 AM, Blogger hazel said...

hi!!!!!!!!! yes, the start of school. everyone seems to have more of their shit together than me.

I want to go to albuquerque.


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