Friday, May 27, 2005


I already wrote most of this post once today, that'll teach me for leaving the screen up in reach of the 3 year old.

It's officially the first day of summer vacation. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with both kids in the house all day every day for the next 2 and a 1/2 months. Tranquilizers maybe? Kidding, really. Seriously though, I don't remember how I used to do it before Madeline was in school. Of course, things are much different now. Now, they know how to fight with each other. I get SO tired of playing referee all the time. I'm starting to hear myself repeating my mother's refrain, "why can't you just PLAY NICE!??" I need to start doing a better job of catching them being good together, and reward them accordingly. (Positive reinforcement works, that psych degree wasn't for nothing. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.)

It was nice to not have to drag myself out of bed to take her to school this morning. I had a nice, leisurely wake up, complete with reading my book and playing under the covers with Zach. One of my most favorite kid games is building tents, and although I don't have quite the skill of Auntie Boo (aka Missuz J), or the tolerance for creative messes, I do a pretty good bed tent on occasion. It's awesome how kids can be totally enchanted by nothing more than mommy holding up the sheet with her hands and feet. Aahhhh, youth. Well, ok, the mommy was pretty enchanted too. Something about a beautiful baby boy giggling in his jammies, can't help it.

Good news, the ceiling fan guy finally showed today. Of course it was only for an estimate, but he was really cool. We've decided to circumvent the evil home improvement mega store and deal directly with the subcontractor. Don't tell anyone, I don't want to get him in trouble, but Thank God. We would have had to cross our fingers on several more faxes being sent back and forth, and possibly get scheduled for the end of June for actual installation, but the cool fan guy is going to come in on a SATURDAY, and get them up for us next week. Yay fan guy!!! See, there really are good people out there in the world, and one of them is going to help us be able to sleep in our new house without having to run the AC nonstop. My faith is restored, and home improvements are moving forward again. Excellent.

Today, I will close with a few of the more precious sayings of my darling boy. Three year olds say the darndest things. His new made-up word is "chonk". It apprears to be a fairly multipurpose word, as in "I CHONKED that cookie" (took a big bite), or "I'm gonna CHONK ya!" (as in give you a big hug). His other favorite word is "huge", but it comes out more like "heeuuuge", Lately, everything he comes in contact with, from a bite of pancake, to a balloon at Applebee's is "HEEUUUGE!" Complete with wide eyes and lifted eyebrows. You'd think he was suddenly in the land of the large, and I guess in a way he is.

p.s. Thanks for the nice comments on the previous blog. It's nice to not feel so alone in the mommy-universe. And, Albuquerque is a pretty cool town, for the most part I like it a lot. Transitions are just HARD.


At 5:33 PM, Blogger Missuz J said...

I can't wait to get Zacky-roo in my arms and just chonk him like crazy! Is there anything like swimming lessons or dancing that Madeline could do a couple times a week to protect your sanity and her need for interaction?

At 12:35 PM, Blogger NME said...

We need a chonking ceiling fan too. Our bedroom is too hot. We were considering trying to install it ourselves but I fear that may end in death. I guess your ceiling fan guy won't be in the Philly area any time soon.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger hazel said...

chonk indeed! adorable. I love those things. I remind trent all the time about his "like 60-80 or sumpthin" phase, where when asked what something was like, it was always like 60-80 or sumpthin. I have no idea what that means, and neither does he.

when I was little, I went to a girl scouts day camp during the day. do you have any day camps running nearby? the principal of the new school might be able to point you in the right direction.

this year, trent is going to go to the local boys and girls club for day camp. it's totally cheap!


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